Boy and Father Planting Tree
The father and son planting a tree

Let it sit and watch it grow.

Grow your savings with peace of mind.

Features of a Certificate of Deposit

No monthly fees

Competitive fixed interest rates

Terms of 3, 6, 12, 18, 30 and 42 months available

Minimum investment is $500


Minimum Opening DepositInterest RateAPY*
3 Month$500.000.15%0.15%
6 Month$500.005.04%5.10%
12 Month$500.004.52%4.60%
18 Month$500.003.94%4.00%
24 Month$500.003.00%3.03%
30 Month$500.002.50%2.52%
42 Month$500.000.65%0.65%

Effective Date: 09/12/24 through 09/18/24. Stated Interest Rates and APYs for terms of 12 months through 42 months are applicable to IRA Certificates of Deposit as well.
*APY is Annual Percentage Yield. A $500 minimum opening deposit is required to open and earn the advertised APY. The APY is based on an assumption that interest will remain on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal of interest will reduce earnings. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Please contact any branch office for further information concerning our Truth-In-Savings Disclosure.